The members of Muskies Inc. are known as America’s most conservation conscious anglers and for good reason. We are the first fishing organization to actively promote catch and release. We are also heavily involved in stocking, habitat preservation and habitat construction.
The Three Rivers Chapter is proud to be a large part of this organization. Working hand-in-hand with the Pennsylvania Fish and Boat Commission and other local fishing organizations. Three Rivers Chapter actively assists in float stocking the lakes and rivers of Western Pennsylvania. We are working to build a world-class muskie fishery.
Member services complete with contest updates and information on local outings and chapter-organized trips. On the “Contact Us Page”, send an email to us to be added to our email list for upcoming events.
So take a look around our website. If you’re interested in becoming a member. Click the link tab and go to Muskies Inc. you can join online or print a membership form. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to ask.
Chapter Meetings
Meetings are held the second Monday of every month at 7:30PM with the exception of January, June, July and September, in which there is no meeting. The meetings are held at the Northside Sportsmen Association, 325 Mount Pleasant Road, Warrendale, PA 15086.
Muskies Inc. is the largest organization in the world dedicated to the conservation of Muskellunge and the enjoyment of Muskellunge fishing. Our organization was formed in 1966 by Gil Hamm to conserve, protect and restore Muskellunge fisheries in North America. Today, MI boasts nearly 7,000 members from forty U.S. states and three Canadian provinces.