Muskies, Inc. - Conservation


Muskies, Inc.
Protecting Our Water


What is the CLEAN WATER ACT:
Since its passing in 1972, the Clean Water Act has been a guardian of our nation's waters, making it illegal for factories to pour chemicals into rivers, mining companies to discharge acid waste into streams and cities to pump raw sewage into lakes. The law has helped revive polluted waterways much to the great benefit of fish and wildlife species. Pollution however, continues to be a threat with the expansion of commercial and residential development and the emergence of contaminants challenging our water treatment plants.

GLRI - Great Lakes Restoration Initiative

To protect and restore the Great Lakes water system
The Great Lakes and their tributaries have some of the finest muskie fishing in North America. Tremendous fisheries such as Green Bay, Lake St Clair, Georgian Bay, the St. Lawrence River and their many connected waterways continually produce healthy populations of fish, and some true giants. In addition, the Great Lakes is the largest freshwater ecosystem in the world, providing drinking water for millions of Americans and Canadians, supporting thousands of fish and wildlife species and provides recreational opportunities-generating $16 billion in tourism and a $7 billion fishery annually. Since 2010, the Great Lakes Restoration Initiative (GLRI) has served as a catalyst for unprecedented federal agency coordination to protect and restore the largest system of fresh surface water in the world. Funding it to its fully authorized level of $425 million will continue the important work of restoring fish and wildlife habitat, boosting resilience to climate change, reducing farm runoff and preventing and managing invasive species. The efforts thus far have been tangible-benefiting communities, creating jobs, cleaning up the source of drinking water for 30 million Americans and protecting and restoring 460,000 acres or habitat and 65,000 acres of coastal wetlands. The importance of fully funding GLRI is obvious: leaving funds on the table will be detrimental to continuing its remarkable progress that needs to proceed, with the help of robust federal funding, so that generations can enjoy clean water, quality recreation, a strong economy and healthy watersheds.


How can I help?:
Muskies, Inc. is asking that all get involved and help support CLEAN WATER. It's easy! SelectFIND MY REPRESENTATIVEon the web and send them a quick note, telling them to support robust Great Lakes appropriations in the FY2024 budget and FULLY FUND the GLRI to its authorized level of $425 million. Your comments matter, so please be heard!!